Sunday, November 09, 2008

Eco System #2

Live plants, Water, Live Organisms, Light,
Rubber Tube, Air Pump, Two rubber bands,
one fish, 4 snails, Glass Container.
-Vincent Finazzo

Composition with Cigarette Butts

By Vincent Alexander Finazzo

Motion Picture work
projected in space at Happy Collaborationist Exhibition Space.
by Vincent Alexander Finazzo

Once More

"RE:Think" 11-3-2008
Vincent Alexander Finazzo

Future Farmer

Out lining The direction of imagery. 

-Vincent Alexander Finazzo

Saturday, November 01, 2008


Arranging can be a place where one can find great happiness and great despair. To put into proper order or into correct or suitable sequence. How can art, with in the borders of formalistic qualities, follow a suitable sequence of events? I feel that in order to understand the ideals behind the arranging of objects, thoughts or even processes one must be ready to dig from the bottom and surface. Now to cap it, how can art outside the borders of formalism be arranged? I think that once an "object" is arranged or thought to be, formal qualities immediately come into play. To arrange the Artist must impose her/his will onto the material. In a way by relating to or involving the outward form, structures, relationships, or arrangement of elements rather than content, you must accept the ways of formalism. Can you work out side it? I would like to say yes, but, how? In fact, here formalism is seeming to be the guidelines for art work at its essence. What about working with old materials hat had/ have formalist qualities? can you work with a ideal without being completely inside it?

Vincent Finazzo 11/1/08

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


The posed questions here is how we are able to relate to the world that we inhabit.
different from another person. where do i belong? Maps give the visual of where we all are but they understanding the beginning is the only way to understand the end. We will die much like the we were born. Exiting the dark only to one day enter it again. I don't know where i really stand in the world. On land, yes. surrounded by water, yes. But how i relate to my surrounding's don't provide the context of each landmass. The true representation of the world we dwell in has yet to be created and i don't know if it ever will. Change is upon us at a faster rate that any other human has delt with. Why question it? because that's what humans do, or sadly did. more more people are starting to ride the wave. living in their own motion picture separate from real time and space. I ask you, reader, where do you live?

Vincent Alexander Finazzo

Saturday, August 02, 2008


Content, to me, is the hardest ideology to break in art. Content, following after the medium selected, seems interconnected and unmovable form the work itself. To my knowledge most of all the work created is insepretable from content. As I think about conceptual art and the inner role that content plays, it seems to lay at the bases of thought. This could lead to talk about the formulation of the pure ideas but lets not let content get off easy. To put an idea to a test. i ask you, the reader, To think of a thought that is eliminated of content. When you reach your goal, please let me know.

Vincent alexander finazzo

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Failure as a Farmer.

i feel distant from citizenship. i feel my reflection has become global. Global in a way that is reactive of human interaction. How my actions carry out in essence. i feel that i am responcible for the earth, and should be aware of how i impact the planet. The earth is constintly shifting, swelling, and cracking. The way the earth impacts people VS the way people impact the earth. Existing in the space in time in between the transition of idea. Idea being the purest form a human can take.

Vincent Alexander Finazzo

Saturday, July 12, 2008

"I believe in the abstraction of life, objects, and reactions"

Can one object, in turn be considered as another? if so, why should our understanding of form limit this transition from one to the other? Trying to answer these questions that pertain to the essence of beginning I unfold deep layers all interconnected. How does the natural world remain pure and ours seems conflicted with over complications of capitalist consumers. we inhabit the same exact places but still remain apart due to our failure to relate. slowly over time we have separated ourselves enough from the natural world that it has now become distant from peoples lives. We shield our lives from the rain wile all other life enjoys it and uses it. we control it and send it away. We need to learn from the natural world because it has survived before us and will out live the human race. I feel that it is necessary to harness and reflect upon the experiences i share with the conflicting worlds. My work is a hybrid of natural crafting and industrialized processes .

Vincent Alexander Finazzo

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Details From Pougialis

Pougialis is a competition held by the Art and Design department of Columbia College Chicago and judge by full time faculty. This year there were 26 students showing a wide range work, everything from the traditional, to new and innovative work pushing the ever-changing boundaries of art. The outcome of the event to much surprise showed a weakness in the decision-making by A&D faculty. If we as students are trying to push our works to new possibilities, the choices made do not reflect progression forward. In fact if the remaining 24 students were to reflect on the choices one would feel discouraged from stepping out of the safety of historically prominent mediums. I end this with inspirations that the subjectivity received by the institution does not reflect the true conceptions of our paths. –Vincent Alexander Finazzo.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Xerox Transfers 03.2008

Self Portrait. 1 Color Xerox Transfer 04.15.08

Map 1. 4 Color Xerox Transfer on Paper 03.16.08