Saturday, November 21, 2009

Installation Kit #1

Installation Kit #1 was a performative sculpture that
provided basic materials to the viewers to
be installed in the space provided.

A blank chart was attached to the back wall for participants to document
themselves and the time they interacted with the sculpture.

Every viewer was encourage to interact with the objects
provided in any way they wished.

Over the course of the night the sculpture evolved into an impromptu installation that provided more information about the participants, than the sculpture itself. Instead of people interacting with the materials provided in a Duchampion weaving of the space like manner, people were mostly destructive. Through out the night a digital camera was cut in half, a whole roll of tape was un-raveled and gathered into a ball, and a radio was disassembled. What does this say about people when they are given complete freedom to interact in any way they choose?

After understanding the energy of the crowed through out the
night I decided to end the sculpture with abrasive action.

Installation Kit #1 was performed
at "12". An exhibition at the Happy Collaborations
Exhibition Space in December of 2008
By Vincent Alexander Finazzo


Store is a performative sculpture that addresses the idea of value
in obsolescent objects. In experimenting with
placement and the natural aesthetics of the found material,
different degrees of value become projected onto each item.

Store. panoramic view

By the use of shelf's to physically "lift" the objects off the ground and
up to eye level. Here they can be examined much like a
new watch or can of un-opened soup. After the investigation takes place
a viewer can determine a value they see appropriate for the object.
Then they pick up receipt and complete it.

Receipt: silkscreen on pages of found encyclopedia from 1968, Volume P.

Found jigsaw blade preserved in found mason jar.

East Shelf. various found materials

West Shelf. various found materials.

Front Desk with Receipts.

Store was executed in
March of 2009
by Vincent Alexander Finazzo