Monday, January 04, 2010

Anything but her herbalist

anything but her herbalist, “hawaii”
there was no jump into action
not us, no greasy bolt until your
swoop of those knit slipper shoes
in your 1956 olympics hoodie}-{Stockholm
questioned geometric shapes, packaging
it tried to fuck everything up
with its inside-out clothing, like mine, yours
in which everyone is on the screen
nothing shakes it can’t squeeze, it goes on
like sprawl, flat with fattening clean
and white, a squeeze cat which behaves
and my bitch hangover, hair of the dog
can’t wait, behaves badly, is motionless
one pound, a half kilo
old and wise and cream
as the amber light rained down, we thought
time and oranges

A collaboration between Joe Bly and Vincent Finazzo

Year of the Metal Tiger

2010 is the year of the Tiger according to the Chinese Zodiac’s 12 year cycle.
The year of the Tiger is traditionally associated with massive changes and social upheaval.
Tigers who thrive on chance and unpredictability are best suited to navigating the many upheavals predicted in the year ahead.

Being born in the year of the tiger, 1986, I look forward to 2010 with a high degree of positivity.
I wish everyone I meet delightful thoughts.
I hope to present myself as a peaceful person and continue forward.
May many storms of creativity be released into my world.
2010, i am ready for you.

Vincent Alexander Finazzo