What will the new year bring? what has the past year provided?
2009 could have been one of the most life changing years I have lived. Many different formats of knowledge, an abundant amounts of wonderful and life changing people, all had a significant impact on me.
The period of time from 2000 to 2010 has provided an interesting outlook on what the future could bring. Technology has been increasing on more of a personal level than a global level. We have the iphone, and of the greatest pieces of hand held technology to be put into the consumers hand. But we don’t have strong enough batteries or capacitors to store energy from wind and solar energies. I find the line between the technology that makes humans feel good and the technology thats good for humans needs to be blurred.
As an artist I have a duty to reflected upon society. Personally I feel that the way I choose to work and everything related to my art practice should reflect a coherent ideal about what i am trying to provide. Reworking these problems and objects in different ways to try and question there purpose and what they have to offer. There are great similarities between the heart of the forest and the center of a dilapidated city. In 2010 I will continue to work toward unifying the conceptual aesthetics of obsolescence.

Vincent Alexander Finazzo
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